izy by i-money is an innovative payment solution that enables the digitalization of all payment solutions, including traditional payment methods.

izy offers companies that are 100% digital or have a small branch network, or those who want to expand their point-of-sale network, the possibility to make payments to their customers through our Izy Cash Point network.


  • Diversity of operators.
  • Centralized management of payments.
  • Payment security (no risk of misappropriation).
  • No currency problems.
  • Better customer experience.
  • Simplified accounting.
  • Creation of several digital cash registers.


  • 24-hour cashiering and payment.
  • Plurality of payment solutions.
  • Remuneration of our partners.
  • Diversification of our partners' revenue sources.
  • Reduce costs and operational risks inherent to the deployment of a physical network.
  • DigiPay solution.
  • Dematerialization of our customers' traditional payment methods.
  • Connection by mobile data and WIFI.

Make payments in one click.

Easily transfer money via mobile money from your account. Send money in a few clicks to your suppliers, contractors, or employees.

Schedule bulk transfers

From your merchant Backoffice, send money automatically in a few clicks.

In full security

We automatically check the conformity of the inserted numbers with your contact list to avoid any error.

Fast reload.

You can top up your transfer account in real time and with one click, from your Backoffice.

24/7 Support & Assistance

Track all your transactions in real time, easily access and export all your financial data from a single interface.


  • Detailed business dashboards.
  • Export transaction data.
  • Role assignment.
  • Reverse payment request and receipt of funds within 24 hours.


  • Real-time transaction viewing 24/7.
  • One account to manage all financial flows.