Our approach is based on the commitment to provide innovative solutions

Our approach is based on the commitment to provide innovative solutions to support the digital transformation of African economies in an inclusive and sustainable manner, taking into account all active socio-economic categories on the one hand, and on the other hand, creating the most innovative, secure and user-friendly digital tools.

Our goal is to support financial inclusion in Africa

Our goal is to support financial inclusion in Africa while strengthening the resilience of African economies through inclusive and socio-responsible digital solutions; by making digital finance accessible to the most vulnerable.

Our vision

Our ambition is to succeed in including all socio-economic categories for an inclusive prosperity.

Notre volonté est d’être à l’écoute des besoins des populations et d’y apporter des solutions fiables et faciles.

Our ambition is to succeed in including all socio-economic categories for an inclusive prosperity.

Notre volonté est d’être à l’écoute des besoins des populations et d’y apporter des solutions fiables et faciles.

We believe that each person is potentially a key player in the development of his family, his community, and his country.

Nous avons la certitude qu’une croissance et une prospérité inclusive et durable doivent immanquablement intégrer toutes les catégories socio-économiques, y compris ceux qui sont pris dans un cycle de précarité sans fin.

Our values


Our approach is essentially centered on the human being. It is based on the conviction that the fulfillment of people is above all. Inevitably, this involves understanding people's needs, considering the context in which they live and their consumer behavior.


We are driven by the commitment that our services and products make a positive and lasting difference in the lives of our users every day. That's why safety, reliability and ease of use constantly guide our thinking process. Whether it is an African multinational, a small business or a street shop, everyone should find an i-money product or service adapted to their needs.


We remain convinced that the digital transformation which is today a gas pedal of the emergence of the African economies, would be developing if the prosperity which results from this growth is inclusive; and this, to allow not only the populations to enjoy the dividends of the growth, but also the future generations to believe in the future.